Cosmo Cee|Citrus Bioflavaniods+Sodium Ascorbate

Cosmo Cee is the only Vitamin c brand in the market that not only has 700 mg non-acidic Vitamin C but also has Citrus Bioflavonoids formula that we need making us enjoy it's full range of benefits.
Cosme Cee(60 capsules)

For those suffering allergies like me Vitamin C Supplement is the natural alternative way to relieve the symptoms every time i expose to allergic reactions my skin starting to feel uncomfortable i got itchy, bumps, rashes ,redness and hives that leave scar on my skin after i scratch due to itchiness of my skin allergy when it get worse i feel tightness on my chest that i can't breath normally i don't know what really trigger my allergy maybe i got this from food, pollen, mould, dust, environmental toxin or is it on my genetic?Most of the Doctors prescribed me Antihistamine to help relieve the symptoms of my allergy but Antihistamine medicine after i drink leave me feeling sleepy all the time so i researched what is alternative of Antihistamine medicine i found out Vitamin C is an easy to find natural Antihistamine it's safe solution for treating allergies Vitamin C can be considered one of the nature's great wonders and it stops histamines .Studies have shown that high level of Vitamin C help reduce histamine release and make histamine break down faster once it is release.It has also been suggested that taking Citrus Bioflavonoids along side of Vitamin C actually enhances the action of this Vitamins which means that the allergy relief symptoms will be even greater i'm glad i found this Cosme Cee to help me relief the symptoms of my allergy.

The Citrus Bioflavonoids it contains greatly enhance and prolong the effect of the Vitamin C it's a natural form of Vitamin C that can easily absorb the body and is 5 times more effective than the regular Vitamin C other synthetic Vitamin C in the market can be easily oxidized and can be also be harmful in the body.

Because of our exposure to environmental toxins, stressful-busy life style and the prevalence of diseases ,Cosmo Cee is the perfect partner to boost Immune System, energy, vitality and for good appearance.

I started to drink Cosmo Cee now it help me to relieve symptoms of my allergy i drink 2 capsules daily one for the morning one for the night for the best antihistamine result. 

I recommend this Cosmo Cee to everyone to boost your immune system but eat also a lot of citrus fruits so you can get your Vitamin C needed in your body or you drink a supplement form like Cosmo Cee and to those who are suffering from allergy like me that want a natural alternative of Antihistamine go for Vitamin C one of mother's nature medicine .


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